Sunday, March 18, 2007

My 1st ever post..

1st time posting really make me nervous.. i mean how to bloggers do it blog everything in their life..Maybe I am just scare of humiliation hahaha totally self-conscious Joey. Well let me start with the most recent event. I am actually loving body combat now.. imagine doing flying kicks in the air. hahah that will be cool huh like those in the movies.. but sadly I dun even knw how to kick properly now
-photos by

Imagine if i could do that.. waha i become the flying kick joey hahahah...Should stop my fantasy adi.. My 1st body combat in gym was realli good we had to do kicks and punches and upper cut n wht not, there's even Muay Thai (the thai boxing).
- I couldn't find the link of the muay thai pic so i decided to remove it. Suddenly i thought about copyright issues in using pictures by other websites. I think its against the copy right law to take pictues from other websites without permission.. haha so the scared Joey decided to take away pictures that I can't find the link--

I dragged my bf and fren to the class, my bf's 1st class in gym :) Now I knw y he dun join classes, cuz he is alwiz slower by a beat hahaha ok sorry dear it's a bit embarrassing... My other fren has this confusing look on his face and sometimes he laughs to himself, hrm I wonder why.. I am not tht good either, my stamina couldn't catch up with the pace.. Someone should supply me a tank of oxygen. The gal in front of me share the same difficulties too haha so we were smiling at each other.Then there were others, who like so semangat shouting and screaming and made perfect jumps. One guy jumped so high I thought he was goin to hit the lights. At the end I was so exhausted and when I thought i could finally rest...

We had to do push ups and sit ups.I raised my white flag. I cant even do push ups on a normal day.How possible could i do it now after the class.. Me and the gal jus gave up and rested on the mat :) But it was really enjoying and I cant wait for the next class. The next Joey Lee :)

-Bruce Lee-

I think i should frequently take more pics so tht i can add into my blog haha thts my 1st motto now (so random...)And thts also if anyone comes and read :)
I would end my 1st post now hahahahah so duh.. i wonder wht will ppl think of me...